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Showing posts from April, 2024
"Just start." Something I've been repeating to myself for the last few years.       It's a little unsettling how much I can get done if I just start. I was always told the most difficult aspect of running is going and getting your running shoes on, that literal first step to get out the door is always the hardest. Starting a blog has been an absolute chore for me. I have refused to "put on my running shoes" and just start.  But here we are. Just starting.      Speaking of starting, I'm going to have my inaugural post feature my High Elf army. I began this army project on June 9, 2023. Nearly one year into the project I have a fully painted oldhammer army that I feel really good about. I hadn't planned to have a however-many-points-this-army-is WHFB 3rd edition force when I started the project, but between the breaks I've kept at it. Kept "just start"ing. I now have a fairly sizable force. The Beginning      A couple years ago I had fou